Partner Stories. 

Our goal: not only to meet the expectations of our partners but to exceed them. Their success defines ours, their satisfaction drives us. In essence: our partners are the key to our success. Their feedback is our most valuable benchmark.

Selmoni Infranet AG


E-mobility & the energy future – Selmoni Infranet AG                                                       

Frey+Cie Elektro AG


Together for the Energy Future: Frey+Cie and simplee                                 

Centralschweizerischen Kraftwerke AG

Energy solutions provider

Sustainability in focus: Jonas Furrer on CKW and the role of Easee                        

St. Galler Stadtwerke

Energy supplier

SGSW and simplee jointly drive e-mobility forward                                      


Energy solutions provider 

Helion relies on simplee for e-mobility in underground garages                                      

Industrielle Werke Basel IWB

Energy supplier

IWB - Easee for sustainable charging infrastructures

Hustech Installations AG

Energy solutions provider

Hustech Installations AG – relying on smart charging solutions from simplee